President Biden, King Abdullah II discuss West Bank violence during meeting



LONDON: US President Joe Biden and King Abdullah II of Jordan on Friday discussed ways to “urgently address” a rise in violence in Israel and the West Bank.

The region has been in the grip of a wave of deadly unrest since late March, with Israeli security forces and Palestinians clashing regularly.


“The leaders consulted on recent events in the region and discussed urgent mechanisms to stem violence, calm rhetoric and reduce tensions," the White House said in a statement.

Tensions remain high with a wave of attacks that have killed at least 18 people since March 22. A total of 31 Palestinians and three Israeli Arabs have died during the same period, according to tallies.

The two leaders reaffirmed the close and enduring nature of the friendship between the US and Jordan, according to a White House readout.

“Jordan is a critical ally and force for stability in the Middle East, and the President confirmed unwavering US support for Jordan and His Majesty’s leadership,” it added. 


During the talks, Biden affirmed his strong support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and cited the need to preserve the historic status quo at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

The President also recognized Jordan’s crucial role as the custodian of Muslim holy places in Jerusalem.

The leaders discussed the political and economic benefits of further regional integration in infrastructure, energy, water, and climate projects, with Jordan a critical hub for such cooperation and investment.

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