British Lebanese actress Razane Jammal named Cartier ambassador

 “It’s a true honor for me to join the Cartier family,” said the actress, renowned for her roles in Netflix series like “The Sandman” and “Paranormal.” “I’m excited to collaborate with a Maison known for its timeless elegance and iconic status.”

Jammal, who gained fame for her role in the show “Al-Thaman,” shared a series of images from a shoot with the French luxury brand on Instagram. In one outfit, she wore a black suit paired with subtle gold jewelry, including a necklace, watch, bracelet, ring, and earrings.

Another look featured her in a white blazer, complemented by dangling diamond earrings and a matching necklace. This isn’t her first venture with Cartier.

In March, she was part of the brand’s Ramadan campaign alongside Saudi athlete Husein Alireza, Egyptian Montenegrin model and actress Tara Emad, Tunisian actor Dhaffer L’Abidine, and Emirati host Anas Bukhash.

In March 2023, Jammal graced the runway at a Cartier event in Dubai, donning a striking black dress with a plunging neckline, thigh-high slit, and padded shoulders. She walked alongside a lineup of Arab celebrities, including Saudi actress and filmmaker Fatima Al-Banawi, Egyptian veteran star Yusra, Egyptian Tunisian actress Hend Sabri, French Algerian filmmaker Farida Khelfa, Somali model Rawdah Mohamed, Emad, L’Abidine, and Bukhash.

Earlier this year, Jammal was appointed as the brand ambassador for Dior Beauty, representing the iconic fashion house’s beauty line. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to showcase her culture within a brand that empowers women and mentioned being aligned with exceptional women globally.

In October 2022, she was designated as the Middle East ambassador for Dior, solidifying her ties with the esteemed fashion house.

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